Tollywood star Varun Tej is all set to make his Hindi debut with the upcoming film Operation Valentine. In the forthcoming action-packed film, the actor will be seen essaying the role of a brave Air Force pilot. On Monday, the makers dropped a motion teaser along with a mission debriefing that reveals the release date of the film. Also starring Manushi Chhillar in the prominent role, Operation Valentine will be released in cinemas on 16th February 2024 in Telugu and Hindi. Directed by Shakti Pratap Singh Hada, the forthcoming project based on true events is bankrolled by Sony Pictures. The upcoming actioner marks Varun’s first collaboration with Manushi, and fans can't wait to see this new jodi on the silver screen. Operation Valentine Release Date: Varun Tej and Manushi Chhillar-Starrer to Hit Big Screens on December 8, 2023 (View Poster).
Operation Valentine Motion Teaser Out:
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