Akshay Kumar's OMG 2 teaser was unveiled by the makers on July 11. The first glimpse into Amit Rai's directorial sees Akki as an convincing Lord Shiva. The teaser looks impressive with the actor flaunting his toned body along with long dreadlocks. On the other hand, Pankaj Tripathi is seen as devotee of Mahadev. Now, as soon as, Oh My God 2 teaser was out, fans gave it a thumbs up. Here, check out how netizens are celebrating the release of OMG 2 teaser. OMG 2 Teaser: Akshay Kumar As Lord Shiva Looks Impressive; Film Co-Stars Pankaj Tripathi As Mahadev Bhakt (Watch Video).

'Money Shot'

'Good Job'





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