Several video clips from Raghav Chadha and Parineeti Chopra’s interview on India TV have surfaced online, sparking a lively conversation. One clip, in particular, features Chadha sharing his ‘mantra’ for a successful marriage, which includes quips like, “Happily married means she’s happy, and I’m married.” He also joked about resolving conflicts by accepting his faults, while she agrees, presenting it as their secret to harmony. Many netizens found his advice overly sarcastic, dubbing it as classic ‘uncle jokes’. Some also criticised the remarks as clichéd and outdated. Check out some of the reactions below. Amid Parineeti Chopra–Raghav Chadha’s Wedding Rumours, This Old Video of the Actress Saying ‘I Don’t Want To Marry Any Politician’ Goes Viral – WATCH.

Raghav Chadha’s Advice On Successful Marriage


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