On September 8, Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh joyfully welcomed their baby girl, receiving an outpouring of congratulations from colleagues and fans alike. Amid the good news, Ranveer's sister, Ritika Bhavnani, was photographed arriving at HN Reliance Hospital in Mumbai to meet the newest member of the family. Additionally, business tycoon Mukesh Ambani was also spotted making a visit to the hospital on Monday (September 9) night. A video circulating on social media captured Ambani’s car arriving at HN Reliance Hospital, where mommy Deepika is currently recovering. Indeed, these visits reflect the immense support and affection surrounding the couple during this special time. Ranveer Singh Calls Himself the ‘Best Boyfriend’ in This Throwback Video From ‘Koffee With Karan’- WATCH.

Ritika Bhavnani Visits Mommy Deepika Padukone at Hospital


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Mukesh Ambani Arrives to Meet Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh at Hospital  


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