A video of Bollywood actress Janhvi Kapoor giving conflicting answers about her favourite cricketer during the promotions of her recently released film, Mr & Mrs Mahi, has gone viral. The clip circulating on X (formerly Twitter) showcases Janhvi naming different cricketers as her favourites in separate interviews on the same day. In one interview, Janhvi expressed her admiration for MS Dhoni (Mahendra Singh Dhoni), while in another, she named Rohit Sharma as her favourite cricketer. To add to the confusion, she also mentioned Virat Kohli as her fave in yet another interview. This inconsistency of the actress is now a talking point among netizens. The video has garnered significant attention online, with netizens sharing their reactions. Mr & Mrs Mahi's Janhvi Kapoor Shows Off Her Batting Skills, Talks About Her Intense Cricket Training (Watch Video).

Was That 'PR'?


Janhvi Believes in 'Equality'?

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