Khushi Kapoor and Vedang Raina often grab headlines for their dating rumours. The alleged couple shared screen space together in Zoya Akhtar's The Archies, where they reportedly fell in love. On Monday (May 27) night, the makers of Janhvi Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao's Mr & Mrs Mahi hosted a special screening for the film. In a video shared by a paparazzi handle, the rumoured couple were seen twinning in black at the event. While Khushi dazzled in a stunning mini dress, Vedang wore a black polo t-shirt and blue denim. Helmed by Sharan Sharma, Mr & Mrs Mahi is set to hit the big screens on May 31. Mr & Mrs Mahi Movie: Review, Cast, Budget, Plot, Trailer, Release Date – All You Need To Know About Rajkummar Rao and Janhvi Kapoor’s Film.

Khushi Kapoor and Vedang Raina at Mr & Mrs Mahi Screening


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