Bollywood was plunged into mourning today as the news of Menka Irani's passing broke. The renowned child actor Daisy Irani's sister and mother to acclaimed filmmaker Farah Khan, Menka had a brief acting career before dedicating herself to family. Her demise at 79 after undergoing multiple surgeries has left the industry in shock. Salim Khan, the esteemed veteran screenwriter and father of Bollywood superstar Salman Khan, was among the many who visited Farah Khan's residence to offer condolences. Close friends and colleagues such as Rani Mukerji, Maniesh Paul, Vikram Phadnis and Fardeen Khan were also spotted arriving for the last rites of Menaka. Farah Khan’s Mother Menka Irani Passes Away Just Days After Her 79th Birthday. 

Salim Khan at Farah Khan's Residence


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Rani Mukerji Arrives at Farah Khan's Home 


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Maniesh Paul, Vikram Phadnis and Fardeen Khan at Funeral


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