Priyanka Chopra''s cousin and actress Meera Chopra has finally tied the knot with businessman Rakshit Kejriwal in a private ceremony in Jaipur on March 12. Meera wore a stunning red lehenga, while Rakshit opted for an ivory sherwani. Their joy was evident in the wedding photos, especially in one where they exchanged varmalas. Meera shared these moments on Instagram with a heartfelt caption, expressing her excitement for a lifetime together. Meera Chopra is known for her role in movies like Section 375 and 1920 London. Priyanka Chopra’s Cousin Meera Chopra and Rakshit Kejriwal’s Wedding Invite Surfaces Online; Details About Haldi, Mehendi, Sangeet Ceremonies Revealed (See Pics).

Meera Chopra's Instagram Post


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