Yash Raj Films has officially announced the third instalment of the critically acclaimed Mardaani franchise. Mardaani 3, starring the formidable Rani Mukerji as the fearless police officer Shivani Shivaji Roy, is slated for a theatrical release in 2026 and will be helmed by Abhiraj Minawala. The Mardaani series has redefined the portrayal of women in law enforcement, with Rani Mukerji delivering powerful performances in each instalment. As the franchise enters its third chapter, expectations are high for another thrilling tale of courage, justice and truth. 10 Years of ‘Mardaani’: Yash Raj Films Announces ‘Mardaani 3’ Starring Rani Mukerji as Shivani Shivaji Roy (Watch Video).
Ranu Mukerji's 'Mardaani 3' Announced
The wait is over! #RaniMukerji is back as the fierce Shivani Shivaji Roy in #Mardaani3. In cinemas 2026. #AbhirajMinawala | #AdityaChopra pic.twitter.com/Yc1Zw1auDA
— Yash Raj Films (@yrf) December 13, 2024
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