Bollywood icon Madhuri Dixit has treated herself to a stunning new red Ferrari 296 GTR, adding to her impressive car collection. This car is priced at over INR 6 crore, as per In a viral video, the actress' husband, Shriram Nene, is seen driving home in their luxurious new ride with the diva sitting beside him. Known for their shared love of high-end cars, the couple reportedly also owns a black Ferrari 296 GTB. Madhuri’s remarkable car collection doesn’t stop there; it also includes a Mercedes-Maybach S560, a Range Rover Vogue, and a Porsche 911 Turbo S, showcasing her taste for elegance and luxury. Her collection truly reflects her passion for fine automobiles. Inside Madhuri Dixit and Dr Shriram Nene's Opulent and Chic INR 48 Crore Home in Mumbai (See Pics).
Madhuri Dixit and Dr Shriram Nene Buy New Supercar
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