Director Madhur Bandarkar recently posted a couple of pictures with Ram Charan on X (formerly known as Twitter). The snapshots show them engaged in casual conversation. Alongside these images, the fashion director shared insights into a remarkable conversation with Ram at the Mumbai airport lounge, praising the RRR actor for his grounded personality. Bandarkar even expressed gratitude for the privilege of having a one-on-one interaction. Ram Charan in Mumbai! Game Changer Actor Flaunts His Million-Dollar Smile While Posing With Female Fans for Pictures (Watch Video).
Madhura Bhandarkar and Ram Charan:
Met actor @AlwaysRamCharan sir at the Mumbai airport lounge! Had an incredible conversation about the world of films & films. Such an amazing and down-to-earth person! Truly privileged to have had this experience. 🙏 🎬 #RamCharan
— Madhur Bhandarkar (@imbhandarkar) December 27, 2023
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