Divya Agarwal hosted a birthday party in Mumbai on December 11, 2024, where the drama was served by none other than Poonam Pandey. True to her bold reputation, Poonam didn’t disappoint. A now-viral video from the event shows her strutting with confidence, unintentionally causing a wardrobe malfunction as her barely-there dress rode up. The mishap occurred when Divya playfully lifted Poonam on the red carpet in a moment of girl power. What was meant to be a fun moment quickly became an internet sensation. Poonam also reacted to the clip via Instagram, slamming the paparazzi for leaking her butts video.“Tum logo ne dekha hi nahi hai kuch", she said in the clip and even recalled the viral meme, “kis colour ki chaddi pehene the.” ‘Kapde nai Tumhari Soch Choti Hai,’ Poonam Pandey Attempts To Give ‘Strong’ Message in Hilarious Collaboration Video With Influencer BeYouNick (Watch).
Poonam Pandey's Viral Wardrobe Malfunction Video
Poonam Pandey Reacts to Her Buttocks Clip Going Viral
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