Shah Rukh Khan's upcoming film, King, directed by Sujoy Ghosh, is generating immense anticipation among fans. Now, as per Mid-day, the movie, which features the actor alongside his daughter Suhana Khan, is set to be officially announced on SRK's birthday, November 2. Reportedly, Anirudh Ravichander has been roped in to compose the film's music. The renowned composer has already started working on the project, whereas King Khan and Suhana are currently preparing for their action sequences in the film. The report also mentions that the shooting for King is slated to begin in January in Budapest, with pre-production kicking off in October. However, an official confirmation on this is still awaited. ‘King’: Shah Rukh Khan Reveals Weight Loss Plans for Sujoy Ghosh’s Upcoming Film (Watch Video).
SRK & Suhana Khan's King To Be Announced in November 2024?
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