Recently, Kartik Aaryan shared a hilarious video with his co-star Kiara Advani on Instagram. In the video, both they actors are singing "Aaj Ke Baad" song from their movie SatyaPrem Ki Katha. He captioned it, "Gaana aisa gaao ki 4 log bole mat gaao Sattu Katha #SatyaPremKiKatha in Theatres #Repost @karandontsharma Inki toh singing chemistry bhi Sau Takka hai!! Sattu & Katha singing away to glory with all the love coming their way!!!". Pasoori Nu Song Funny Memes: SatyaPrem Ki Katha Song From Kartik Aaryan-Kiara Advani Movie Gets Trolled Online, Watch Ali Sethi's Original Pakistani Hit and Its Bollywood Remake!.
Check Out Kartik Aaryan and Kiara Advani's Video Here:
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