Karisma Kapoor was seen in attendance at the Eid party hosted by Salman Khan’s sister Arpita Khan and brother-in-law Aayush Sharma at their residence. The gathering was organsied last evening at their residence for which a host of B-town stars were seen in attendance. Karisma and Salman, who are one of the popular onscreen jodis of the 90s, posed together for a picture. The two just couldn’t contain their happiness as they posed for the camera. Ranveer Singh-Deepika Padukone, Salman Khan, Pulkit Samrat-Kriti Kharbanda And More Celebs Photographed At Arpita Khan And Aayush Sharma’s Eid Party! (View Pics & Videos).
Karisma Kapoor and Salman Khan
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