Hiroo Yash Johar, filmmaker Karan Johar's mother, has reportedly been admitted to Mumbai's Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital. On Saturday (December 7) paparazzo handle Viral Bhayani posted a video showing Karan Johar and designer Manish Malhotra visiting Hiroo Johar at the hospital. The video was captioned, "Karan Johar and his best friend Manish Malhotra were seen at Ambani Hospital visiting Hiroo Johar, Who was admitted previous day. Wishing her speedy recovery." In the clip, it was also mentioned that a family member had assured them that "there is no cause for alarm." International Men’s Day 2024: Karan Johar Celebrates ‘Men Who Champion Feminism’, Shares Ranveer Singh’s Dance Video From ‘Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani’.

Karan Johar and Manish Malhotra Visit Hiroo Johar at the Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital in Mumbai 


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