During the trailer release of his upcoming production, Kill, Karan Johar extended his support to Kangana Ranaut amidst the slap incident involving the actress-politician. In response to a question about the incident, Johar stated, "I do not support or condone any form of violence – verbal or physical." For those unaware, Kangana Ranaut was reportedly slapped by CISF guard at the Chandigarh airport. Ranaut was en route to New Delhi following her Lok Sabha election win from Himachal Pradesh’s Mandi constituency. The CISF woman constable involved, identified as Kulwinder Kaur, has since been suspended pending further investigation. Hrithik Roshan and Alia Bhatt Support Faye D'Souza's Post Condemning Kangana Ranaut's Slap Incident.
Karan Johar Supports Kangana Ranaut In Slap Incident
#KaranJohar responds to a question about his reaction to the #KanganaRanaut slap incident pic.twitter.com/TfVtdTptjk
— BollyHungama (@Bollyhungama) June 12, 2024
Karan Johar and Kangana Ranaut Feud
The feud between Karan Johar and Kangana Ranaut ignited six years ago when Ranaut appeared on Johar's show, Koffee With Karan, and labelled him as the ‘movie mafia’ and ‘flag bearer of nepotism’.
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