Director Nag Ashwin and Prabhas recently unveiled Bujji, a revolutionary vehicle designed exclusively for their upcoming film Kalki 2898 AD, at a glittering event in Hyderabad. Since its debut, they've been actively promoting it across various platforms. Notably, Autocar conducted a review, and both actor Naga Chaitanya and F1 racer Narain Karthikeyan got behind the wheel for a test drive. Now, Nag Ashwin has extended a personal invitation to Elon Musk, urging him to experience the groundbreaking features of Bujji firsthand. Ashwin's invitation hints at a potential collaboration between Bujji and Musk's Cybertruck, as he tweeted, “Dear @elonmusk sir... We would love to invite you to see and drive our #Bujji.” Kalki 2898 AD: Narain Karthikeyan Takes Prabhas' Bujji for a Thrilling Ride, Custom-Made Robotic Vehicle Leaves F1 Driver Awestruck! (Watch Video).

Nag Ashwin's Post About Bujji And Elon Musk's Cybertruck

Bujji Reshares Nag Ashwin's Post

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