Just a day after a news portal reported that Manoj Bajpayee and Kay Kay Menon will be joining filmmaker Neeraj Pandey's upcoming thriller, The Family Man actor took to social media to react to the reports with a hilarious response. Taking to his X (previously Twitter) handle on Thursday (January 11), Manoj Bajapyee re-shared a tweet containing the original source of the news and wrote, "Kab hua ye?" (When did this happen?). Based on his reaction, it remains unclear whether the actor rubbished the reports or was simply responding to the part of the article that stated, "Filming Begins in May". Only time will tell. However, one thing is certain—it would be thrilling to see artistes like Bajpayee and Menon collaborate on a project helmed by a visionary filmmaker like Neeraj Pandey. ‘The Family Man 3’: Manoj Bajpayee Wraps Up Shooting for Upcoming Action-Thriller Series, Says ‘Aur Thoda Intezar’.

Check Out Manoj Bajpayee’s Response to the Report

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