Kareena Kapoor Khan shared a heartwarming birthday post for her mother-in-law, Sharmila Tagore (born on December 8, 1944), who turned 80 today. Taking to Instagram, Kareena posted a series of candid photos showing the two women in relaxed loungewear, looking effortlessly chic as they posed together. In one shot, the legendary actress, with her signature elegance, wore hair roller, adding a playful touch to the moment. Kareena captioned the post, "Who’s the coolest Gangsta ever? Do I need to say? Happy birthday to my mother-in-law, just the best." The sweet tribute captured their loving bond. Sharmila Tagore Birthday Special: When the Legendary Actress Broke Stereotypes by Sporting Bikini in Film and on Magazine Cover!
Kareena Kapoor Khan Wishes Her MIL Sharmila Tagore on 80th Birthday
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