The Malayalam film Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Hey starred Darshana Rajendran and Basil Joseph in the lead. As per latest reports, the film will be remade in Hindi and Fatima Sana Shaikh will reportedly play the leading lady. Speculations are rife that Vipin Das, who helmed the original film, will direct the Hindi version as well and it will be produced under the banner of Aamir Khan Productions. The buzz on Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Hey Hindi remake started doing rounds after director Vipin posted a picture with Fatima on Instagram. He captioned it as, “Mhaari chhoriyaan, chhoron se kum hain ke?? @fatimasanashaikh.” An official announcement is awaited! Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Hey Movie Review: Darshana Rajendran and Basil Joseph are Exceptional in Malayalam Cinema's Most 'Massy' Film of 2022!
Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Hey Hindi Remake
Malayalam blockbuster #JayaJayaJayaJayaHey to get a Hindi remake.
Vipin Das will direct. Aamir Khan productions #FatimaSanaShaikh to play the lead
— Haricharan Pudipeddi (@pudiharicharan) March 19, 2023
Vipin Das And Fatima Sana Shaikh
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