Shah Rukh Khan's blockbuster film, Jawan, continues to break records, following its remarkable global box office success, amassing over Rs 600 crore in collections. The film's hit song, "Chaleya", has now achieved a milestone on Spotify India. On September 11, the track recorded over two million streams on the music platform, catapulting it to the number one spot in the country. Chaleya is a creation of renowned Tamil musician Anirudh Ravichander, featuring the soulful voices of Shilpa Rao and Arijit Singh. The music video, starring superstar Shah Rukh Khan and Lady Superstar Nayanthara. Jawan Box Office Collection Day 7: Shah Rukh Khan, Nayanthara and Vijay Sethupathi's Film Collects Rs 369.43 Crore in India.
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.@anirudhofficial, @arijitsingh and @shilparao11's "Chaleya" breaks the all-time single day stream record for a song on Spotify India with 2.09 million streams.
— chart data (@chartdata) September 13, 2023
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