Shah Rukh Khan's Jawan is all set to hit theatres in less than two weeks. As the film is gearing up for a grand release on September 7, the excitement surrounding the film is palpable. According to reports, the makers will launch the album of Jawan on August 30 at Sai Ram Engineering College in Chennai. The cast and crew will be present at the college's auditorium in Chennai's West Tambaram for the launch. Recently, Shah Rukh Khan shared a post on X and wrote, "Vanakkam Chennai, I am coming!!! All the Jawans - girls & boys at Sai Ram Engineering College be ready... I am excited to meet you all! Might even do some tha tha thaiya if asked. See you tomorrow 3 PM onwards." Shah Rukh Khan to Launch Jawan Trailer on Burj Khalifa on August 31 at This Time, Asks Fans to Wear Red on the Occasion (View Post).
Check Out Shah Rukh Khan's Post On X:
Vanakkam Chennai, I am coming!!! All the Jawans - girls & boys at Sai Ram Engineering College be ready... I am excited to meet you all! Might even do some tha tha thaiya if asked. See you tomorrow 3PM onwards.
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) August 29, 2023
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