Shah Rukh Khan's Jawan has been scripting history since the time it released in theatres on September 7. The movie in just 11 days has surpassed Rs 850 crore globally and is set to enter Rs 1000 crore club soon. Now, in a recent interview, film's director Atlee told ETimes that Jawan should go to the Oscars. "I would also love to take Jawan to the Oscars. Let's see. I think Khan, sir, will watch and read this interview. I will also ask him over a call - sir, should we take this film to the Oscars?," he said to the portal. Jawan Box Office Collection Day 11: Shah Rukh Khan's Actioner Earns Rs 858.68 Crore Globally!
Jawan for Oscars, What Do You Think?
Atlee: #Jawan should go for the #Oscars, I am going to talk to #ShahRukhKhan sir about it - Exclusive
— ETimes (@etimes) September 18, 2023
Watch Jawan Trailer:
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