Shah Rukh Khan has arrived in Chennai for Jawan's audio launch and his craze among fans is immense. In the viral video online, SRK can be seen in black blazer at the airport waving and blowing kisses at his admirers. Well, looking at the massive crowd gathered to catch a glimpse of SRK, we are sure Jawan will set box office on fire. FYI, Shah Rukh will be attending the music launch event of the Atlee directorial in Chennai today at Sri Sairam Engineering College. Jawan releases in theatres worldwide on September 7. Jawan Audio Launch: Chennai Gears Up to Welcome Shah Rukh Khan in Grand Style, with Massive Hoardings and Bike Rallies (Watch Video).
Shah Rukh Khan For Jawan Audio Launch:
kiNG Khan👑 is ready to roar in south.#jawan is on his way....
WELCOME TO CHENNAI KING SRK, #JawanAudioLaunch#DhoniVsTendulkar #viralvideo #VickyKaushal #AsiaCup23 #Pushpa2TheRule #AjayDevgn #JawanPreReleaseEvent
— Ranjeet Kumar Nishad (@RanjeetKum73269) August 30, 2023
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