Jawan has earned Rs 240 crore at box office globally in just two days. The Shah Rukh Khan starrer is minting lots of moolah at the ticket window, and scripting history. Owing to his film's super success, SRK took to his X today and replied to a few messages by fans. However, King Khan's one reply in particular related to co-star Vijay Sethupathi has raised eyebrows as it hints that Jawan 2 might be on cards. "Buss visa ka hi wait kar raha hoon," he wrote. Check it out. Jawan: Ameesh Patel Congratulates Shah Rukh Khan For Creating 'Gadar' at Box Office!
Is Jawan 2 on Cards?
I am a big fan of Vijay sir too… par Kaali ka kaala dhan toh le liya ab dekho doosron ke bhi Swiss banks se lekar aata hoon… Buss visa ka hi wait kar raha hoon. Ha ha!!! https://t.co/bgrzn77VVD
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) September 9, 2023
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