Directed by Vinay Sharma, Urvashi Rautela and Siddharth Bodke's upcoming film, Jahangir National University, is set to be released on April 5, 2024. On Wednesday, the makers of Jahangir National University dropped a new poster ahead of the film's release. The new poster shows someone holding a hand. For the unversed, the movie also stars Piyush Mishra and Ravi Kishan. A few days ago, it was revealed that Rashmi Desai is also a part of the upcoming film. She will play the character based on the life of writer and professor Nivedita Menon. JNU First Poster OUT! Urvashi Rautela, Siddharth Bodke, Ravi Kishan, Sonnalli Seygall’s Film To Arrive in Theatres on April 5 (View Pic).
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