Bollywood's adorable couple, Jackky Bhagnani and Rakul Preet Singh, are all set to tie the knot in the coming days, with festivities starting on February 19. B-town celebs have already begun jetting off to Goa, where the wedding festivities are set to take place. Actor Zayed Khan, accompanied by his wife Malaika, was spotted arriving at the Goa airport to attend the wedding. Zayed opted for a simple and comfy look, donning blue jeans paired with a yellow tee shirt and blue goggles, while Malaika kept it classy in all black, accessorized with a shawl. Rakul Preet Singh Flies to Goa for Wedding With Jackky Bhagnani (Watch Video).

Zayed Khan and Wife Malaika Reach Goa:


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