Bollywood actor Vivek Oberoi has voiced his support for Allu Arjun following his arrest in connection with the tragic death of a woman during a stampede at Sandhya Theatre in Hyderabad on Pushpa 2: The Rule premiere day. In a candid note shared on X (formerly Twitter), Vivek questioned the fairness of Allu Arjun’s arrest, asking, "if this same accident had happened at a campaign rally of an important state or national candidate, would the police arrest them?" He concluded the statement by calling Allu Arjun 'gentleman off-screen'. Meanwhile, the Telangana High Court concluded that there was no malicious intent behind Allu Arjun's actions and granted him interim bail for four weeks, setting a personal bail bond of INR 50,000, providing the actor with much-needed relief. 'Pushpa 2' Actor Allu Arjun Granted Four-Week Interim Bail by Telangana High Court in Sandhya Theatre Stampede and Death Case.
Vivek Oberoi's Statement Over Allu Arjun's Arrest
#AlluArjun @alluarjun
— Vivek Anand Oberoi (@vivekoberoi) December 13, 2024
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