Shah Rukh Khan has announced officially two of his upcoming movies, Pathaan and Dunki. However, his film with Tamil director Atlee has still not been officially confirmed yet, despite the shoot in progression. However, it looks like we are due an announcement soon with a teaser promo going by this Censor Board certificate screenshot that's going viral. It is of a Red Chillies Entertainment project whose teaser has been certified by CBFC on May 26, and what's more, it mentions the title as Jawan! In case you have any doubts, we have verified it by taking the screenshot directly from the siteBefore Atlee's Movie With Them, Did You Know Shah Rukh Khan and Nayanthara Starred Together in a Music Video?

View the Certificate:

Jawan Censor Board Teaser Certificate (Photo Credit: CBFC)

The screenshot is already going viral, and SRK fans believe that it is definitely the Shah Rukh Khan-Atlee film.

Looks Like...

Time to Confirm!

Clean Title!

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