Kareena Kapoor Khan recently fulfilled her dream of meeting Prime Minister Narendra Modi, as she and her family commemorated the 100-year legacy of legendary filmmaker Raj Kapoor. Speaking about the moment, Kareena said, “Dream raha hai ki unke sath hamare pradhan mantri Modi ji ke bagal me baith kar kuch shabdh bolu. Yeh toh hamesha mere maan me tha ki ek bar raise hona hai life me, and I am so happy ki mere dadaji ke 100th birthday pr yeh mauka mila mujhe.” She added, “Ek kamre mai baith kar hamare puri family ke saath. Unke aaspaas baithna, I think unki jo energy hai, it is a positive energy, and he is truly a global leader. (It has always been my dream to sit beside our Prime Minister Modi ji and say a few words. I’ve always wanted to experience this once in my life, and I am so happy that I got this opportunity on my grandfather’s 100th birthday.” She added, “Sitting in a room with my entire family around him, I think his energy is incredibly positive. He is truly a global leader) Raj Kapoor’s centenary falls on December 14, 2024..

Kareena Kapoor Khan Talks About PM Narendra Modi


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