Stree 2 was one of the biggest hits of Bollywood in 2024. The horror-comedy film starring Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao, which dominated the box office, also saw special appearances by Akshay Kumar and Varun Dhawan. Khiladi Kumar's cameo in Stree 2 left everyone impressed, and fans are eagerly waiting for the third instalment. On Sunday, Akshay Kumar, Veer Pahariya, Dinesh Vijan and Amar Kaushik attended the trailer launch event of their upcoming film, Sky Force. During media interaction, the topic of Akshay Kumar's involvement in Stree 3 came, to which Akki said, "What can I say? Dinesh and Jyoti Deshpande (producers) have to decide. Amar has to direct". Replying to the question, Dinesh Vijan said, "Of course, you didn't see the last shot? He is our Thanos." This confirms Akshay Kumar's involvement in future films of Maddock's horror universe. ‘Sky Force’ Trailer: Akshay Kumar and Veer Pahariya Soar As IAF Officers in Patriotic Battle, Co-Starring Sara Ali Khan and Nimrat Kaur (Watch Video).
Akshay Kumar Confirmed for Future Projects of Maddock Horror Comedy Universe
Rejoice #AkshayKumar FANS 🔥🔥
As he is set to join the Biggest HORROR COMEDY UNIVERSE of India 🔐
Dinesh Vijan Officialy Confirmed ✅ that @akshaykumar is the Thanos of the Biggest @MaddockFilms Comedy UNIVERSE 🔥💯💯🔥💥
— Manoz Kumar (@ManozTalks) January 5, 2025
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