Telugu actor and politician Nandamuri Balakrishna, sparked controversy when a video him pushing actor Anjali during the Gangs of Godavari event went viral online. Despite Anjali's attempts to laugh it off onstage, social media users criticised Balakrishna for his perceived rude and disrespectful behaviour. Filmmaker Hansal Mehta further intensified the backlash by sharing the video and condemning NBK as a 'scumbag'. In the video, Balakrishna appeared visibly agitated, demanding that Anjali vacate the centre stage, and forcefully pushed her aside, shocking onlookers. Netizens Slam Nandamuri Balakrishna for Pushing Actress Anjali Onstage During Gangs of Godavari Event, Call NBK’s Behaviour ‘Disrespectful’ (Watch Viral Video).

Hansal Mehta Slams NBK

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