Fukrey 3, the third installment of the popular franchise, made its theatrical debut amidst the Jawan wave and managed to hold its ground. Richa Chadha, Pankaj Tripathi, and Pulkit Samrat's film continued to maintain steady momentum. On its 10th day, the film earned Rs 72.35 Crore. Despite facing competition from three new releases Bhumi Pednekar’s Thank You For Coming, Akshay Kumar’s Mission Raniganj, and Rajveer Deol’s Dono, Fukrey 3 has successfully drawn audiences to theaters. According to Taran Adarsh, the film will cross Rs 75 Crore today (October 8) and will run until Dussehra. Fukrey Box Office Collection Day 9: Pulkit Samrat, Varun Sharma and Pankaj Tripathi Starrer Continues to Perform Strong, Earns Rs 68.33 Crore.
Check Out Taran Adarsh's Post:
#Fukrey3 jumps again on [second] Sat… Will cross ₹ 75 cr TODAY [Sun]… An open run till #Dussehra2023 should prove advantageous, will ensure an impressive total… [Week 2] Fri 2.31 cr, Sat 4.02 cr. Total: ₹ 72.35 cr. #India biz. #Boxoffice pic.twitter.com/mglIZEQKBJ
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) October 8, 2023
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