The premiere of Amar Singh Chamkila took place on April 11, attracting a star-studded crowd that included the cast and crew of the Netflix film, as well as other Bollywood celebrities. Lead actor Diljit Dosanjh made a stylish entrance at the screening, dressed impeccably in a white shirt and matching pants, complemented by a black blazer and a striking red turban. Diljit exuded elegance as he mingled with attendees, including co-star Parineeti Chopra and director Imtiaz Ali. He shared a video capturing highlights from the premiere night, offering fans a glimpse from the big night. Amar Singh Chamkila Song ‘Baaja’: This Track From Diljit Dosanjh–Parineeti Chopra’s Film Is a Perfect Tribute to the ‘Elvis Presley of Punjab’ (Watch Video).
Diljit Dosanjh At Amar Singh Chamkila Premiere
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