Ranveer Singh’s striking new look for Dhurandhar has created quite a buzz online. In leaked photos shared by BollyBlindsNGossip on Reddit, the actor is seen wearing a turban for the first time on-screen, exuding charisma and intensity. Dressed in a tailored suit, his sharp appearance is contrasted by a blood-stained injury on his face, adding a rugged edge to his character. Directed by Aditya Dhar and produced by Jyoti Deshpande of Jio Studios, Dhurandhar promises an intriguing storyline. Reports suggest that Ranveer will portray an R&AW agent in this film, which is based on real events from the history of India’s intelligence agency. Ranveer Singh To Collaborate With Aditya Dhar for a Gangster Drama Titled Dhurandhar – Reports.
Ranveer Singh’s Intense Turban-Clad Avatar From ‘Dhurandhar’ Takes the Internet by Storm
Ranveer Singh on the sets of Dhurandhar
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