Bollywood star Akshay Kumar, who is currently filming for his upcoming movie Khel Khel Mein in London, shared a heartfelt post as he missed the office Dhanteras Puja. He took pride in his team's support for purchasing stuffs from local artisans and vendors, sharing the message of #VocalForLocal on social media. Last month, he had announced the start of his film with a behind-the-scenes video. Has Akshay Kumar NOT Travelled Abroad Since He Got His Indian Passport in August 2023? Here's The Truth About the Viral Claim!.
Check Akshay Kumar's Post
Miss being present at the office Dhanteras Pooja because of shooting abroad. But tremendously proud when my team tells me that everything for Diwali has been bought from local artisans and vendors. #VocalForLocal 👏🏻
— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) November 10, 2023
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