Bollywood's Mastani, Deepika Padukone, is celebrating her 38th birthday today, on January 5. The Piku actress is being inundated with heartfelt wishes on social media. Even Deepika's Fighter co-star, Hrithik Roshan, extended his wishes in the sweetest way possible. He shared a video from their upcoming film along with a heartfelt note where he showered heaps of praise on Padukone. In his post, the War actor mentioned that Deepika truly 'exemplifies the spirit of a fighter with her perseverance.' For Deepika's 38th birthday, the Fighter team also released a special behind-the-scenes video featuring the actor. Deepika Padukone Turns 38: Raj Kundra Shares Throwback Pic and Extends Birthday Wishes to His ‘Favourite’ on Insta!.
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