Actress and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Kangana Ranaut is reportedly planning to sell her Mumbai house for a staggering amount. As per the latest reports, Kangana's Mumbai residence also houses her production house Manikarnika Film's office and is spread across an area of 3,042 square feet. Located in Mumbai's Bandra area, the property includes two floors, and the actress has set a selling price of INR 40 crore for it. Official statements regarding the same are yet to be made. This is the same property that faced demolition by Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) in September 2020.  Kangana Ranaut, Slapped by Constable Kulwinder Kaur at Chandigarh Airport, Seeks Information on Scrutiny of CISF Personnel at Airports.

Kangana Ranaut To Reportedly Sell Her Mumbai Bungalow for INR 40 Crore


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