Ektaa Kapoor and filmmaker Mahaveer Jain shared an exciting announcement on Monday (July 29) as they unveiled the first look poster of their upcoming film Binny and Family. The movie, scheduled for an August 30 release, will mark the debut of Anjini Dhawan. Taking to her Instagram handle, Ektaa Kapoor shared the first look poster and wrote, "Purane zamaane ke sanskaar v/s aajkal ke modern vichaar! Complications se bhari family hai Binny ki, par yeh kahaani hai hum sab ki Miliye Binny And Family se 30th August apne nazdeeki cinema gharon mein." The film directed by Ssanjay Tripathy will captivate audiences with the story of intergenerational relationships. Binny and Family also stars Pankaj Kapur, Rajesh Kumar, Himani Shivpuri and Charu Shankar among others. ‘Dus June Kii Raat’ Trailer: Tusshar Kapoor and Priyanka Chahar Choudhary’s Hilarious New Series Tackles Bad Luck With a Twist (Watch Video).

Anjini Dhawan, Panjak Kapur and Rajesh Kumar Starrer ‘Binny and Family’ To Arrive on August 30

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