Akshay Kumar has shared exciting news about his upcoming film, Bhooth Bangla, revealing that the shooting has officially begun as of December 10, 2024. Directed by Priyadarshan, the horror-comedy marks the long-awaited reunion of the actor-director duo after 14 years. Along with this update, Akshay unveiled a new poster showcasing his character in a white ensemble with a blue waistcoat, against the eerie backdrop of a haunted mansion. He holds a lantern while sitting on a gate pillar, gazing into the distance. The film is slated for release on April 2, 2026. Akshay Kumar and Priyadarshan Reunite for ‘Bhooth Bangla’: From ‘Hera Pheri’ to ‘Khatta Meetha’, Here’s How Their Past Movies Have Fared at Box Office.
‘Bhooth Bangla’ Movie Update
Beyond excited to be on set with my favourite @priyadarshandir as we begin the shoot of our horror comedy #BhoothBangla today. Yeh darr aur hasi ka double dose aapke liye ready hoga 2nd April, 2026 ko! Tab tak ke liye aapke best wishes chahiye 🙏 pic.twitter.com/j5vyWI2VG2
— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) December 10, 2024
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