Harshaali Malhotra, who rose to fame with her character Munni in Salman Khan's Bajrangi Bhaijaan, announced her 10th-grade results on social media in the most unique way possible, shutting down trolls. Taking to her Instagram handle, the Bajrangi Bhaijaan actress dropped a video as she gave a befitting reply to haters revealing her "impressive" score. Sharing screenshots of the hate comments she received, Harshaali shared that she scored 83% in the exams. She wrote, "From perfecting my Mudras to acing my academics, I managed to strike the perfect balance between my Kathak classes, Shoots and Studies. And the result? An impressive 83% score! Who says you can’t have your feet in both the reel and real world? A heartfelt thank you to everyone who believed in me and continues to offer their unwavering support." Bajrangi Bhaijaan's Harshaali Malhotra Grooves to Ranveer Singh-Alia Bhatt's 'What Jhumka' From RRKPK, Video Goes Viral – WATCH.
Check Out Harshaali Malhotra’s Insta Post Here
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