Love is in the air as Armaan Malik and Aashna Shroff tied the knot on Thursday (January 2). Taking to his Instagram handle, the singer dropped the first pictures from the couple's wedding ceremony. The pictures radiated pure joy and warmth, and it was evident that Armaan couldn't take his eyes off his bride. On Friday (January 3), a video from the couple's wedding reception surfaced online. In the clip, the singer can be seen singing his popular track "Pehla Pyaar" from the film Kabir Singh for his partner while she stands there adorably watching him. The newlyweds have truly made us believe in fairytales, and the video is proof of that. Armaan Malik and Aashna Shroff Wedding First Pictures: Singer Ties the Knot With Long-Time Girlfriend, Shares Emotional Post.
Armaan Malik Sings His Song ‘Pehla Pyaar’ for Wife Aashna Shroff at Their Wedding Reception
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