Pulkit Samrat's sister Ria Samrat Luthra, recently shared delightful pictures of the actor enjoying a lively moment with GF Kriti Kharbanda and other friends. Kriti dazzled in a royal blue Anarkali dress, accentuated with a golden border and a peach netted dupatta. Her open hair and golden mojdi completed the elegant look. Pulkit looked sharp in a white kurta with black floral prints. The couple radiated joy, with Pulkit warmly embracing Kriti in each photo. While they didn't explicitly mention an engagement, the pictures suggest a happy milestone, especially the close-up of their rings. Smiles abound in the group photos, hinting at a significant celebration. Pulkit Samrat Birthday: From Fukrey To Sanam Re, Take a Look at His Top 5 Films!.
Are Pulkit Samrat and Kriti Kharbanda Engaged?
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