While the country was busy celebrating the auspicious occasion of Karva Chauth, power couple Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli were seen attending a Kirtan in Mumbai. The couple had a unique Karwa Chauth celebration as they were spotted attending a Kirtan by popular American vocalist Krishna Das at Nesco in Mumbai. A video from the event has gone viral online. In the clip, we saw Virushka completely immersed in spiritual vibes as they were seen clapping and joyfully chanting the name of the divine. Anushka Sharma's energy lit up the entire space. Anushka wore a cream-coloured outfit for the spiritual outing, while Virat complemented his wife's look with a beige-coloured full-sleeve T-shirt and blue jeans. Priyanka Chopra Shares Adorable Glimpses From Her ‘Filmy’ Karva Chauth Celebrations With Hubby Nick Jonas in London (See Pics).

Virat Kohli-Anushka Sharma Attend Krishna Das’ Kirtan in Mumbai

Just Virushka Giving Us Major Couple Goals

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