Bollywood actress Ananya Panday graced the star-studded launch of a premium brand's flagship store in New York. She turned heads in a glamorous bodycon dress, sharing delightful moments with Kim Kardashian, Ashley Graham, Serena Williams, and Freida Pinto. Her sister Rysa was by her side, and Ananya expressed her excitement in an Instagram post, praising the stunning Skims x Swarovski collection., See their photo and video below!  Ananya Panday Strikes a Stylish Pose in a Blue Full-Sleeved Turtleneck Gown; BFF Suhana Khan Reacts (See Photos).

Ananya Panday  And Kim Kardashian In One Frame

Ananya Panday with Kim Kardashian (Photo Credits: Instagram)

Ananya's Instagram Post


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A post shared by Ananya 💛💫 (@ananyapanday)

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