Amitabh Bachchan made his traditional Sunday appearance for fans outside his Mumbai home, Jalsa. In a heartwarming video shared on Instagram, the legendary actor was seen waving to the crowd and distributing gifts as a token of appreciation. Fans gathered outside to catch a glimpse of the star, and Big B's gesture of kindness left everyone touched. Dressed in a blue Mufasa hoodie, he threw gifts into the crowd. The video quickly went viral, with fans across the internet praising the actor’s humility and generosity.  ‘Jaya Ji Ko Gajra Bohot Pasand Hai’: Amitabh Bachchan Shares About His Sweet Romantic Gesture for Wife Jaya Bachchan on ‘KBC 16’.

Big B Rocks Mufasa Hoodie as He Greets Fans Outside Jalsa in Mumbai



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