In a star-studded event that left fashion enthusiasts in awe, Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt took the spotlight as she walked the ramp for renowned fashion designer Manish Malhotra's exclusive Bridal Couture Show. The event, held on Thursday, was nothing short of glitz and glamour, with Alia sharing the spotlight with fellow actor Ranveer Singh, who also graced the runway as a showstopper. Paparazzi were quick to capture the mesmerizing moments as Alia Bhatt transformed into a beautiful bride, showcasing Malhotra's exquisite bridal collection. Several videos of the actors strutting down the ramp surfaced online, garnering considerable attention from fans and critics alike. However, the response to Alia's ramp walk was not without controversy. In one of the videos shared on social media, a viewer criticized the actress, stating, "She doesn't look comfortable and looks so pretentious." Similar sentiments were echoed by others, with some noting Alia's apparent struggle to maintain her grace while navigating the ramp in the heavy bridal lehenga. An Instagram user commented, "Walking is so tough for her in this outfit," while another remarked, "Actors are for acting, not for ramp walks." Entertainment News | Ranveer Kisses Deepika on Ramp Walk at Manish Malhotra’s Bridal Couture Show, Video Goes Viral.

Check Out The Video Here: 


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