Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt recently opened up about being clinically diagnosed with anxiety. The Jigra actress made an appearance on her sister-in-law Kareena Kapoor Khan's take show What Women Want, where she shared about her diagnosis. Alia even recalled some incidents where she felt extremely anxious for absolutely no reason. Discussing the condition, Alia told Bebo, "There was this one moment before the Xmas lunch where we were driving, and it was random where Ranbir is like 'Should we take a picture with Raha today?' and I was like are you sure? Anxiety, anxiety. Because I do have anxiety. I am clinically diagnosed with anxiety so every moment for me is worst case scenario." Alia revealed how Ranbir calmed her down. She said, "Ranbir understood this and said, 'Okay, now you're going to get really anxious, so let's talk about it.'We discussed everything from Bandra to Juhu. I finally understood that this is our life." Divya Khossla Kumar Slams Alia Bhatt for Faking ‘Jigra’ Box Office Collections, Shares Photo of Empty Theatre and Writes, ‘We Should Not Fool the Audience’.
Alia Bhatt Opens Up About Her Anxiety Issues
#AliaBhatt reveals that she has been clinically diagnosed with Anxiety & describes how #RanbirKapoor planned to reveal their world-their baby daughter #RahaKapoor to the whole world & how he patiently took care of her anxiety before the reveal.
— Raymond. (@rayfilm) October 11, 2024
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