At the Red Sea Film Festival in Jeddah, Alia Bhatt revealed a charmingly serendipitous encounter with her now-husband, Ranbir Kapoor. While speaking to the media, she shared that their very first meeting happened when she was just nine years old, at the office of renowned filmmaker Sanjay Leela Bhansali. "Do you all know that the first time I met Ranbir was when I was only nine?" she told the audience. "It was actually during one of the rare times my mother allowed me to be a child actor, for a project by Sanjay Leela Bhansali. And who do you think was assisting him at the time? None other than Ranbir!," she added. Alia Bhatt in Yellow Saree With Sleeveless Blouse and Choker Neckpiece Serves Perfect Wedding Inspo (View Pics).

Alia Bhatt on Meeting Ranbir Kapoor For First Time:


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